2010 Duathlon World Championships Edinburgh, Scotland

2010 Duathlon World Championships Edinburgh, Scotland

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Natural performance enhancer

During the "off-season" or time off from racing, I switch training emphasis from hard race-pace intervals in each discipline to spending more time building full body strength and developing my aerobic fat-burning system.  The months steadily go by as I exercise in our basement, on the computrainer, the treadmill or trips to the Y for a few session per week at the pool.  I balance this indoor time primarily with outdoor runs.  Some with friends or simply commuting to work. Getting outside is essential for sanity and absorbing what little vitamin D the sun provides up north.  As the warmer / lighter days arrive, I gradually add more intense workouts to build on an improved aerobic system. The transition feels great; I'm refreshed and getting to stretch out the legs on the road or attack local climbs out on the bike. A gift to myself; more intensity!. During the long runs out on the road I typically ponder; nutrition, equipment or planning races for the upcoming season. When first adding speed, my legs typically can't keep up with my lungs but after a few weeks, the legs catch up.  Taking away expected gains from the simple act of running consistently, I question whether these sudden gains are a result of another component in my preparation.

This past Saturday, after an easy first mile warm up, I planned to attack the remainder of my 13.1 mile out-and-back loop with a comfortably hard pace. My goal; aim to beat my previous overall time a few weeks back, keeping the pace at aerobic threshold.  This route heads north along the coast on hilly roads with brief sections of open ocean. On the way out, after falling into a steady clip I was soon covering the distance faster and more easily than three weeks back,  the pace almost felt effortless. I started brainstorming;

This must be due to that good nights rest.
Perhaps it was my dinner!  I had a pile of glutenous crackers, cookies and cheese at my daughters art show...hmm; not likely. 
I know!!... it was that Magic Hat #9 I drank at beer hour after work.  Maybe gluten is awesome for me but kryptonite for others?

Maybe it's these shoes?  I can spread my feet out more, allowing for more natural running mechanics.

It could be all that glute strength training. Sitting sucks for the bum muscles you know, leading to many injuries. Work those glutes!  Donkey kicks, kettlebell swings, lunges, squats.. jumping on one leg, while patting my head...  yup, doing ALL that.
It could be these tunes! Music inspires and distracts our normally focused-on-the-pain-minds. With good tunes we subconsciously increase the intensity.  That must be it!

Standing tall, relaxed, feeling good. It could be my posture!  "Morning ladies!" Chest out, shoulders back. 

I'm going to kill my time on this loop today!  I'm not even hungry!!  Nice and steady.  Almost time for the turn around point....three, two, one...hit lap time. Yes! Best half-way time so far!  Time to head back!

Hmm....ugh...wicked headwind.